Voucher Terms & Conditions

  1. Valid until Sep 01-2024 (no extensions).
  2. Applicable on new collection & discounted range.
  3. Minimum spend required for redemption of each voucher, which will be specified in the email sent to customers along with their voucher code.
  4. Can be redeemed on the next purchase.
  5. Non-refundable and can’t be exchanged for cash (full or partial).
  6. One-time use only.
  7. Can’t be combined with other offers such as (Essad, Fazza & Sougha).
  8. In case of returns or exchanges completed with a voucher, a credit note will be issued according to our standard policy (refunds not applicable).
  9. Online vouchers can’t be used in-store, and vice versa.
  10. The vouchers can’t be clubbed together for 1 transaction. Only one voucher can be used per transaction.
  11. Business associates like Interior designers and B2B bulk suppliers that are part of a commission scheme or special discount are not eligible to get vouchers and gold coins.